Oras na!!

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

It's my first time here!!!

Hi everyone.. i've just created my very first personal blog.. and i say it a big 'WOW'.. hahaha!!
Well.. the reason i signed up because i want to share my especially my stories, my gossips, my secrets and of course everything under the sun!! Yahoo!!

To begin with..

i want to greet my friends..

the arki friends

- lalaine
- bhechie
- gaelics
- eylin
- maan
- reneo
- jerickhe
- renee

the workmates

- sisigz
- bethchie
- biankaness
- bertits
- aizaguatemala
- ruwell

my hiskulfrens

- tinamendo
- reesie
- agneshi
- neree
- javier
- diokris

well.. it just the start of the day.. and i want also start my brand new year RIGHT!!!

stay soon for my future BLOGS!!!

your's trully,

frankiedoodles :-D

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